Upon arriving at this year’s 164th Provincial Grand Ball and Banquet, held at Bolton Wanderers renamed The Toughsheet Community Stadium, one couldn’t help but be impressed by the number of West Lancashire Freemasons who turned up, resplendent in their Royal Arch regalia.

The Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent, Mark Matthews, expressed his delight at the large number of brethren from West Lancashire who proudly donned their Royal Arch regalia. He was particularly impressed by the large number of white ribbons on display.
Mark and his wife Debbie welcomed their guests to what is essentially their ladies’ evening. The Grand Ball is the highlight of the Masonic season, where members from across the province and their partners gather to enjoy the best that Freemasonry has to offer. Held at the Toughsheet Stadium, this event is one of the few occasions when diners can wear their full regalia in a colourful display, while the ladies don their finest attire. With a history spanning over one and a half centuries, the Grand Ball is truly the most spectacular event in the Masonic calendar, and with a Royal Arch theme, this year was no exception.

Mark warmly invited all installed masters, first principals, and newly exalted companions of the Royal Arch to join him and Debbie for drinks before the main event. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as many newly exalted companions seized the opportunity to personally meet our esteemed Provincial Grand Superintendent. Laughter and engaging conversations flowed, and it was heartening to see both the companions and their partners genuinely enjoying their time in his amiable company. Mark expressed his genuine delight at the impressive turnout of West Lancashire Freemasons who had chosen to embark on the next chapter of their journey by joining Royal Arch Masonry, signifying a vibrant future for the fraternity.
The evening officially began when the Royal Arch Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Ian Halsall introduced Mark his wife Debbie and the rest of the distinguished guests. Mark and Debbie led the parade into the ballroom where they were greeted with thunderous applause.

The meal was served once everyone was comfortably seated, and it was a wonderful spread that exceeded expectations. The room buzzed with cheerful laughter as familiar faces rekindled old friendships, and new connections were formed, all against a backdrop of vibrant colours and the intricate designs of the regalia worn with pride
Provincial Senior Grand Warden Anthony Mark Humphrey took the stage, commanding attention with his presence. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone for attending this year’s Grand Ball and hoped it would be a memorable night for all.
No Provincial Ball would be complete without the famous tradition from centuries past; the Grand March. Led by Mark and Debbie, along with the other senior members of the Province, everyone lined up with their partners, arms linked, parading around the ballroom in their finest attire, just as West Lancashire Freemasons have done for the past 163 years. It is truly a sight to behold. A big thank you to the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Ian Halsall, who once again managed to keep everything running smoothly.

The atmosphere was electric with excitement as the night unfolded and everyone was eagerly anticipating the moment the band took the stage to kick off the festivities. The vibrant energy in the room was infectious, with laughter and joy echoing as guests sang and danced, losing themselves in the rhythm of the music.
From the very first clinking of glasses to the last twirl on the dance floor, the entire evening unfolded as a truly delightful celebration. Guests savoured good food and enjoyed a drink or two as they shared heartwarming stories and laughter with friends, both old and new. The 164th Provincial Grand Ball was nothing short of spectacular, dazzling attendees and a vibrant atmosphere that perfectly embodied its promise of being ‘GRAND.’ This impressive gathering celebrated the cherished traditions of Freemasonry, which we hope will continue to thrive and bring joy to future generations for another 164 years.