Avid readers of the Gladstone Group news pages may remember the previous installation meeting of Cecil Lodge No 3274, when master Phil Osborne, for the first time, was installed as master of the lodge.

The lodge has a long and distinguished history having been founded in 1908, with its first master Cecil Edward Maples, who also has a fascinating history. Cecil was born in Spalding, Lincolnshire being the 10th and youngest child to Ashley Maples who was a superintendent registrar in Lincolnshire, responsible for the recording of births and deaths in the county.
Cecil then followed in the steps of his older brother in practicing law moving to Huyton With Roby and starting a solicitor’s firm in Liverpool, Gill, Archer, and Maples, which resided in 14 Cook Street, Liverpool. During the First World War, Cecil volunteered with the British Red Cross, and with New Zealand nurse Beatrice Dormer-Maunder, oversaw the conversion of a boys’ school to a fully functional hospital in Rouen, France. Cecil and Beatrice were awarded by the King of Belgium, the Cross of the Order of Leopold 1st, the highest civilian honour that can be bestowed.
It is little wonder that the lodge was named after one of its founders, and due to Cecil’s close friendship with the 10th Earl of Scarborough, Aldred Lumley, the lodge was awarded the honour of using the Scarborough family crest ‘Murus Aeneus Conscientia Sana’ which is displayed proudly on the Cecil Lodge summons. It translates to ‘A clean conscience is a strong wall (of defence)’ as given in the lodge history, although looking at the castle tower image on the summons, ‘A clear conscious is a wall of brass’ is another alternative translation.

The fine surroundings of the fabulous library room of the Athenaeum, Liverpool was the meeting place for the installation meeting of Cecil Lodge. WM Phil Osborne welcomed all the visitors and brethren to the lodge. Having opened the lodge in fine form, director of ceremonies Rob Burgess, retired and having re-entered the lodge announced that principal the guest, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Mark Dimelow, accompanied by Provincial Grand Charity Steward Paul Shirley and Gladstone Group Treasurer, Paul McLachlan stood without. Having been admitted, Rob conducted Mark, to Phil who formally welcomed Mark to the lodge and hoped that he would enjoy the ceremony and the festive board which was to follow.
Rob then proceeded to proclaim that for the ensuing year, Phil Osborne was to remain as master of Cecil lodge, until a successor has been duly elected in his stead. Master Masons were then admitted, and led by Adam Lyons, the salutations were duly attended to, with Adam then delivering an excellent rendition of the working tools of a master Mason.
Following suit in the second degree was William John who also delivered a superb oration of the working tools of a fellow craft Freemason, and once the lodge had resumed labour in the first degree, it was turn of new initiate Richard Evans to deliver the working tools of an entered apprentice Freemason. All were superb in their delivery, and they should be proud of the hard work they had so obviously put in to learn the ritual.
Following the installation of officers of the lodge, various lodge officers then performed addresses to the brethren. Provincial Senior Grand Deacon John Reynolds, who is also lodge secretary, performed the address to the deacons. Treasurer Bill Collier performed the address to the stewards, with Godfrey Freeman delivering the address to the wardens. Finally, Mark Dimelow, gave a very sincere address to the brethren of the lodge, asking them to unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.

At the conclusion of the installation ceremony, master Phil request principal guest Mark to please accept cheques on behalf of the charities. Mark announced to the brethren that a truly magnificent sum of £2,636.50 had been donated to various charities, which was an amazing achievement!
The full list was; £750 to West Lancashire Freemasons# Charity, £750 to Liverpool Blood Bike Appeal, £500 to Salvation Army soup kitchen work, £236.50 for John James ‘Ride the Lights appeal’, £200 to Ellen Price, granddaughter of former member Hughie Hughes, for her Scout Expedition appeal, £100 for Bon Plumbing Food Appeal, £50 for the Big Sleep Out Appeal, £50 to the West Lancs Clay Pigeon Society appeal.
During the first rising, it was announced that a Grand Lodge certificate had been received for Adam Lyons, which Mark Dimelow took great pleasure in explaining the Grand Lodge certificate to Adam, showing him the symbolism and meaning of the various aspects of the certificate and having been signed at the secretaries table was then presented to the WM Phil for approval.
The lodge business being duly completed and closed in solemn form, the brethren and visitors retired to the fine dining rooms of the Athenaeum. At the festive board, Cecil Lodge has many unique customs, and it would be better not to mention them all, as to find out what they are, brethren are encourage you to visit this fine lodge.
However, at the conclusion of the meeting the distinguished voice of Steve Senneck rang out at the festive board ‘When Britain first, at Heaven’s command, arose from out the azure main’ and a rousing rendition of Rule Britannia ensued, a unique custom indeed and a very fitting end to the celebration of ‘Phil’s second time in the chair’!