Lodge and Chapter almoners and charity stewards are appointed by their lodges or chapters and not by the charity as such. The first line of help should be through pastoral care officers and group charity stewards. However, there will be occasions when this is not possible and if we are able to help, particularly on obtaining grants, do contact us.
The charity can also help in relation to queries about donations made, Gift Aid, legacies and provides assistance to the care team in relation to applications for grants.
The charity is also willing to provide speakers to address groups of brethren involved in the care structure on the working of the charity.
We are working hard to provide the best service we can but we do recognise that there is always room for improvement. To this end we would be pleased to receive comments and ideas which might help to improve the service the charity provides.
Most applications for grants for charitable causes not connected with Freemasonry come direct to the charity’s office but some enquiries are made to lodges and groups which may wish to assist in putting the application forward and follow its progress.
The application form and guidance notes can be downloaded here.
Charity stewards are crucial to the running of the charity. Their successful endeavours in raising funds will materially affect the ability of the charity to meet its growing commitments.
Advice is always available from the group charity Steward who will be keen to provide guidance and organise group wide initiatives.
Leaflets introducing the charity, explaining how it helps those in need and showing how donations can be made are shown below and can be ordered from the charity or downloaded here.
About Your Charity
Can We Help?
Gift Aid Leaflet
Helping Communities
The charity is manned each weekday by trained volunteers who can advise lodge and chapter almoners. They can also advise almoners on benefits which may be available from the state.
Almoners can obtain guidance from their pastoral care officers on all matters relating to their work.
Your pastoral care officers can advise on the types of Masonic assistance that may be available. They can also arrange for the admin care officer to visit your clients with you when an application or re-application is required.