Registered Charity 1175246
Like most charities the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity relies heavily on donations to carry out important work. We depend on donations made by Freemasons in West Lancashire. There are a variety of different means of contributing towards the charity and we are able to accept payments both large and small, as regular payments or one off.
“Your help can make a profound difference to someone’s life”
There are a number of ways to make a donation to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity.
Lodges and Chapters can make a donation from their relief chest or from their charity account. Payment should be by BACs transfer to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity account: Sort code: 402928 Account number: 91007572, or by cheque payable to West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity.
By using a copy of the QR code shown below. When donating via the WLFC Donation QR code, you will be asked whether or not you want to gift aid the donation. You can download and print a copy of the QR code here: WLFC Donation QR Code
By completing a yellow envelope for the Lodge/Chapter charity collection to be processed by the Charity Steward. This is the traditional way of donating to the WLFC. You should be aware that completing a yellow envelope confirms that your taxable income exceeds your donation so that gift aid may be claimed by WLFC.
Donating by Standing order. If you wish to make regular payments by standing order the appropriate form, including a gift aid declaration, can be found here: Standing Order and Gift Aid Form .
Gift Aid
This is a wonderful way of increasing the value of your donation. Provided that you are a UK taxpayer and the value of your donation does not exceed your taxable income and capital gains during the year, for every £1 you donate the charity can claim a further 25p from the taxman!
Higher rate taxpayers
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax and the basic rate of tax on the total value to the charity of your donation (the ‘gross donation’). You make this claim on your Self Assessment tax return.
Paying tax refunds to the charity
The Government wants to encourage individuals and businesses to give more to charities and so offers a range of tax incentives (income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax) which help you, the charities concerned or both. If you complete a Self-Assessment return, SA donate even enables you to donate any tax refund directly to your chosen charity.
These tax incentives are only available for UK tax payers making gifts to UK charities. Depending on the type of gift you make you may have to make a claim to receive the tax relief (either on your Self-Assessment return or by writing to your own tax office). This information is obtained from the HM Revenue and Customs website and is Crown copyright.
Individuals may wish to leave money or assets to the charity in their wills thus helping those in less fortunate circumstances to benefit after their death. This is a very effective means for the charity to increase its funds. A leaflet explaining the procedure can be downloaded here. Alternatively a solicitor can arrange this for you.