Two short weeks after the lodge celebrated its centenary, Phil Burrow was installed as WM of Newby Bridge Lodge No 4598 for the third time. Present at the meeting was grand officer Alan Jones, past Chairman of the Furness and South Lakeland Group representing the Provincial Grand Master, Mark Matthews.

Also present were Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Dave Grainger and grand officers Barry Fitzgerald. John Wrennall, Rowly Saunders and lodge secretary Phil Preston. The Furness and South Lakeland Group Chairman Alan Pattinson, vice chairman Chris Gray and group secretary Tony Jackson also attended. Along with acting Provincial grand officers Steve Murray, Steve Ellershaw, Andy Baxter, and father and son team Syd and Stuart Bateson. 70 brethren including 10 visiting masters witnessed a polished installation ceremony performed by installing master Gary Mansfield.

Once the aforementioned dignitaries had been admitted and saluted, master elect Phil was presented to Gary to receive at his hands the benefit of installation. Phil reaffirmed his obligation taken on two previous occasions and was placed in the master’s chair in a delightful and dignified manner by Gary, whose delivery throughout was up to his own high standards, which have been the hallmark of his 24-month tenure as WM of the lodge.
The lodge was then progressively closed down with the signs and salutations given by the more junior brethren. The working tools of a master Mason were presented and explained by David Smith in his customary flawless style. Immediate past master Gary presented the working tools of a fellow craft in like manner and Fraser Nicholson rounded off with the working tools of an entered apprentice Freemason with accuracy, dignity and confidence to muted acclaim from the assembly.

The addresses were delivered by Andy Baxter, Provincial Grand Steward to the stewards, Phil Preston to the WM, Alan Pattinson to the wardens and Alan Jones to the brethren of the lodge.
As the proceedings reverted to the summons, Alan Jones took his cue and rose to bring the greetings of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. Alan congratulated Gary Mansfield for his work in the ceremony and also thanked him for his two years as master of the lodge. Of lodge secretary Phil Preston, Alan said: “Phil is like your warrant, he has lost none of his splendour.”
The recent donation of £4,598 at the Newby Bridge Lodge centenary was noted. Barry Fitzgerald brought the greetings of the grand officers and Barry Robinson, Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, those of the Provincial officers.

At the festive board, Dave Smith gave a hearty cappella version of the Master’s Song to much acclaim. Phil Burrow looks forward to a busy year with visiting high on his agenda, as is customary for the master of Newby Bridge Lodge.