Christmas Message 2024 from the Provincial Grand Master & Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
Dear Brethren and Companions
As we approach the Christmas and New Year period, I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts and endeavour in regards to the work of our Province of West Lancashire.
When I travel for Provincial Meetings, Regular Meetings, Installations, Church Services, Centenaries, Bi Centenaries, Memorials, Group Dinners and Lodge, Group and Provincial Social occasions I am always delighted by your warm welcome and Friendship.
You have particularly excelled in terms of the UGLE Membership Challenge, by introducing many new masons into our lodges. As a membership organisation, it goes without saying that those new members are the very lifeblood of the future of Freemasonry.
I also thank those many Craft Masons who have joined or re-joined a Royal Arch Chapter. Your response to my request to do this has been outstanding. You are aware that the Craft and the Royal Arch are one organisation with Pure and Antient Freemasonry consisting of the Three Degrees and no more. That being the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason including the Royal Arch.
I thank you for your work within our local communities. The volume of the many hours of voluntary service that you have given to our communities is remarkable. In many cases our masonic buildings are also the very centre or hubs of our community engagement. Your service to local people greatly increases our reputation as an organisation and as a force for good. I am sure that what you are doing will encourage others to want to be a part of Freemasonry. During this Christmas period, which as we know is a difficult time for many, your work with homeless people and the food banks in particular is invaluable.
Debbie and I hope that you and your families have a Happy Christmas and we wish you health and happiness in the New Year!
Mark Francis Matthews,
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master & Most Excellent Grand Superintendent