With a donation of £200 towards their work, Tuscan Oak and Lambert Head Lodge No 6387, who meet at Pemberton Masonic Hall, were delighted to support the Wigan and Leigh Hospice at Hindley.

Wigan and Leigh Hospice is a registered charity serving people across Wigan Borough who have been diagnosed with an illness which is no longer curable. They believe passionately in providing care suited to every patient’s unique needs. Every day, 365 days a year, they aim to offer a supportive, caring approach to everyone who uses our services. They believe hospices should be about living as well as dying.
They deliver end of life and palliative care. Palliative care means treating the ‘whole needs’ of an individual including their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Their care extends to patients with any life-limiting illness including, but not limited to, cancer, respiratory conditions, and neurological conditions.
As part of the charitable donations at the installation meeting of Tuscan Oak and Lambert Head Lodge, supported by senior Freemasons, the new master of the lodge William Worthington, was delighted to present a cheque for £200 to Assistant Provincial Grand Master Malcolm Bell, to be passed on to the charity, as part of the ongoing support to the hospice that the Wigan Group of Freemasons are committed to.
You can find out more about Wigan and Leigh Hospice by clicking the logo