On an overcast afternoon in January 2025 that would cause even the most robust of individuals to stay at home in front of a roaring fire, the brethren of Prescot Lodge No 5470 braved the biting chill in the air to witness Paul Gerrard being installed into the chair of King Solomon in the presence of John Murphy, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews.

The lodge was opened precisely on time at 15:30 by the installing master John Whalley, with the assistance of his officers with flawless precision that was a joy to witness! The lodge secretary George Flinn proceeded with the lodge business by submitting the circulated minutes of the last regular lodge meeting, which were duly approved.

Visiting Provincial Grand Officers were then admitted along with late members of the lodge. The main event then followed, Paul’s big moment of taking the chair of King Solomon yet again which he did in style, expressing a confident air throughout the evening which would be expected from such an experienced Mason.
Paul Gerrard recited his obligation with confidence and precision, aided by his magnificently surefooted director of ceremonies Leo Kap who was pivotal to the smooth running of the installation. Leo also gave a splendid explanation of the working tools of a master Mason from which the younger brethren could learn.

The explanation of the fellow craft and entered apprentice working tools were expertly delivered by Paul Meadows and Shaun Reid respectively. All the addresses were superbly delivered; George Flinn gave the address to the senior warden and WM, George Rowe gave the address to the junior warden and George Moffatt gave the address to the wardens.

The lodge officers for 2025 were invested with their various ranks with the charity steward and senior deacon to be invested at a later date. The warrant and banner of the lodge were delivered to Paul as the new WM for 2025, which then concluded the installation ceremony.
Prescot Lodge donated a total of £700 to various charities including Zoe’s Place and Prescot Mission Christmas Dinner. The charities were also honoured on the night; the festive board raffle raised the sum of £167 and the collection in the temple raised the magnificent sum of £101.10p.
The reports of Grand Lodge communications and Provincial Grand Lodge communications were given to all present as well as any general business and propositions for new and joining members. The lodge was then closed and the festive board commenced with good food, even better company, a very melodious rendition of the Master’s Song, which was marvellous as well as the toast to the health of Paul as the new WM of Prescot Lodge.