Members and visitors to Davyhulme Lodge No 3715 gave a warm welcome to Brian Hayes, as the representative of the Provincial Grand Master, to their installation meeting at Urmston Masonic Hall where installing master Paul Curran installed Paul Brown to the chair of King Solomon for the first time in Davyhulme Lodge.
Paul opened the lodge and proceeded to transact its business up to the point where there came the expected knock on the door and Brian was admitted into the lodge, accompanied by the Trafford Group Vice Chairman Eddie Wilkinson.
Paul greeted Brian with a warm welcome. The installation ceremony commenced with Paul Curran proceeding to install Paul Brown in an excellent fashion and placing him in the chair in a most sincere manner.
Paul Brown, having been installed; the meeting continued with DC Andrew Berry whose mobility was somewhat restricted by injury being ably assisted by Doug Couse. There followed presentations of the working tools, firstly the installed master’s tools by Darren Gregory, the third degree tools by Chris Moores, the second degree tools by Andrew Berry and finally the tools of the first degree by Graham Jackson.
An excellent address to the master was then given by lodge stalwart Keith Lewis, followed by an address to the wardens by Doug Couse and rounding things off in fine style, the address to the brethren of the lodge given by senior Davyhulme Lodge member Cliff Hughes.
On completion of the ceremony, Brian rose to convey to Paul and the members of the lodge the congratulations and good wishes for a happy and healthy year ahead from the Provincial Grand Master, Mark Matthews. Brian said that if Mark had been present, he felt sure he would have been impressed by the excellent work of installing master Paul Curran and congratulated each of the individuals of the lodge involved for their excellent work clearly illustrated throughout the meeting.
With the installation ceremony completed, Paul presented a cheque for £200, made in favour of the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, to Brian who thanked the brethren of the lodge most sincerely for their generous donation on behalf of the charity and moreover, on behalf of those who would eventually benefit from their generosity.
The first rising brought greetings from Brian on behalf of the grand officers. He once more congratulated Paul and wished him well in his forthcoming year as master of this old and distinguished lodge and welcomed him as a ruler in the Craft and similarly wished all the members of the lodge a very happy and healthy year hoping that they would all enjoy the year ahead.
The business of the lodge was drawn to a close followed by an excellent festive board which continued into the evening where Brian initially thanked all the brethren for the toast to the grand officers. He then went on to say how happy he was to be representing the ProvGM, and then gave his own congratulations to Paul wishing both him and the lodge good luck and good health for the forthcoming year. Brian went on mention the natural progression of taking our Masonry to the next level by joining the Royal Arch.
Rounding things off, Brian assured all those present that should they or anyone they knew get into difficulties in the current climate that assistance was available through Masonry. The final toast of the evening having been made; a most enjoyable meeting was brought to a close.