It was quality rather than quantity at the 2024 Old Crosbeian Lodge No 4992 installation meeting, held this year at Southport Masonic Hall. David Cairns was to be installed as master of the lodge for the first time.
Principal guest for the ceremony was of the Provincial Junior Grand Warden David Rigby, who was representing the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. David was accompanied by acting Provincial grand officers and the Vice Chairman of the Southport Group Brian Griffiths, who was attending the meeting in a personal capacity.
The lodge was opened by the master of the lodge Peter McGrady, and the master elect David Cairns was then presented by Rick Walker to the master who conducted the installation ceremony, ably assisted by Paul Grainger, who performed the inner workings. The installing officers were; senior warden Ian Donaldson, junior warden Martin Clements, who was a last-minute stand in, and inner guard, Rick Walker.
Once the board of installed masters was closed to the third degree and master Masons were readmitted, they saluted the newly installed master in due form. The third degree working tools were explained by Jakob Collins. David closed the lodge to the second degree and the presentation of the second degree tools was given by Joshua Collins. The lodge was then closed to the first degree where the first degree working tools were explained faultlessly by Ben Sephton.
The address to the master was given by Ian Donaldson, the address to the junior warden by Chris Taylor, as the new senior warden was not present at the meeting. The following addresses were then given; to the deacons by Paul Grainger, to the inner guard by Rick Walker and to the stewards by David Collins, who gave a slightly different slant to the usual address.
Following the address to the brethren od the lodge by David Rigby, he gave the congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master and his own personal greetings to those that took part in the ceremony and said he was looking forward to the festive board as the ProvGM had previously informed him of Old Crosbeian Lodge’s legendary hospitality.
The brethren retired to the dining room for a sumptuous festive board of prawn and smoked salmon timbale, steak bordelaise, crème brulee and port. The dinner was interrupted by an announcement that the Provincial Grand Master was without and demanded admission, the master said he was pleased to receive him. Mark Mathews entered and informed those present that he was attending another meeting in the main dining room. Mark congratulated David on his installation into the chair and passed on his good wishes to all. He then retired back to his meeting not wanting to disrupt proceedings any further.
A raffle was held and raised the sum of £110, as well as an additional £103 from the alms plate collection. After the meeting ended everyone left in peace and harmony.