Brethren of Lodge of Truth No 6235 were honoured to have as their principal guest Assistant provincial Grand Master Malcolm Bell, accompanied by distinguished grand officer guests, Antony Bent PAProvGM, Geoff Bent, Len Hart, Malcolm Parr, Leigh Group Chairman Jonathan Heaton. Also present were acting Provincial grand officers, John Galbraith and Martin Stewart. Taking the role as Provincial deacons were Albert Marshall and David Smith.

Following the opening of the lodge and completion of the normal business, the WM and installing master Bill Jay continued with the installation of the master elect Adrian Edwards-Clark. Adrian was presented to the WM by the lodge DC Nigel Isherwood.
Adrian worked at Key Computers, now Service Geeni for 20 years in various roles but mainly commercial. On a daily basis, he worked with a wide variety of service businesses helping them achieve more by using their industry-leading software.
In Masonry, Adrian was proposed by Gary Jones and seconded by Jonathan Heaton, he began his Masonic journey in September 2018. He was quickly introduced to an active role on the floor, going straight in as junior deacon. His most memorable and proud moment has been delivering the Charge after Initiation twice in ceremonies.

Due to his work and personal commitments, it was at times difficult for him to get to meetings with the long commute from his home in Crewe to Leigh Masonic Hall, and to focus on preparing to take the chair and deliver a competent third degree ceremony. He has not yet joined the Royal Arch; however, he does intend to join after he has served his time as master of Lodge of Truth, for which he has been a member of for six years.

Adrian is married with two teenage children. He plays guitar, bass, drums, and a little keyboard, and has played in various bands for several years, though less frequently nowadays. During lockdown he recorded and produced a number of rock covers of dance and pop songs, playing all the instruments and releasing them on YouTube. He is also a keen mountain biker and travels to trails almost every weekend. His favourite foods are Mexican and Mediterranean, his favourite music is heavy rock, and a favourite place he has visited is Venice.
Adrian did a very competent presentation for his obligation, while Bill did a superb job of doing the installation ceremony and putting Adrian into the chair of King Solomon. Malcolm congratulated Adrian and Bill for entertaining the brethren with a wonderful ceremony from start to finish, and especially to those junior brethren who did the working tools of the degrees that were done impeccably.
Once installed and all the officers invested, Adrian presented charity cheques to Malcolm for various charities as follows; Leigh Masonic Hall Fund £1,085, the Wigan Samaritans £200, West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity £200, The Leigh Group Charity £115, making a grand total of £1,600. Malcolm thanked the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations.
The lodge was closed in peace and harmony by Adrian and all retired to the festive board for a lovely three course meal to enable the brethren to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances. The atmosphere was very lively with lots to talk and laughter about the room.
When the various toast where completed, Malcolm then congratulated Bill as IPM and Adrian as the new WM in the way they have supported his lodge. He then mentioned to the brethren how important it is to support other lodges in the group, and eventually mentioning the importance of joining the Royal Arch.