At Leigh Masonic Hall, Makerfield Chapter No 2155 held its annual installation and the principal guest was Deputy Grand Superintendent Chris Butterfield. Chris was accompanied by Malcolm Alexander and the Leigh Group Chairman Jonathan Heaton. Also present was Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Gary Smith, Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah Ian Sterling and many other distinguished guests.

John Thompson, the first principal, asked Michael O`Neill if he would he stand in as scribe Nehemiah, then invited Chris to take the sceptre as was his right, but after a few chuckles, Chris politely returned the sceptre to John who gracefully continued with the ceremony and chapter business.

John invited Ian Boardman to occupy the second principal’s chair and Eric Miller to occupy the third principal’s chair. Anthony Roe, the chapter DC, was then asked by John to present Philip Thompson the third principal elect, Gordon-Williams as second principal elect and David Eccles as the first principal elect. The ceremony continued in fine style under the direction of John until the three new chapter principals were installed. John then presented them with the warrant of the chapter, minute book, the bye-laws and the Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter.
Michael O`Neill gave the address to the three principals, Chris then stood to convey the congratulations of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews to the three companions and said how much he had enjoyed an excellent ceremony and the great effort the chapter companions had put into their practices.

David then presented to Chris three cheques for three charities being; Atherton & Leigh Foodbank for £150, Wigan & Leigh Hospice £150, and finally Leigh Masonic Hall £100, giving a total of £400, Chris thanked the companions of the chapter and expressed that from a relatively small chapter, the amount was fantastic.
Malcolm Alexander gave the address to the members of the chapter; Jonathan Heaton gave his greetings as group chairman, expressing his delight on how the chapter was doing and improving.
The chapter was then closed in peace and harmony and the companions then retired from the conclave to the festive board. At the festive board, Chris mentioned about new members joining the Royal Arch as there was a great deal of delight from the companions of the chapter having previously mentioned to Chris and Malcolm that they have brethren from Makerfield Lodge No 2155 to join the chapter in October as a double exaltation, and in December there will be a single exaltation. All these brethren are very keen to join in the chapter, this is obviously due to the amount of publication to promote the Royal Arch and the enthusiasm from those members in Craft.
Ian Sterling then gave a wonderful address to the chapter, thanking them for their hospitality. The meal consisted of pea and ham soup, chicken breast and stuffing, chef’s choice cheesecake, cheeseboard, with a choice of tea or coffee.