Kevin Croft, first principal of Blackpool Chapter of Integrity No 5864, had his work cut out with the installation of the new principals for the ensuing year. Not only was he going to be doing a lion’s share of the ritual, but it had to be right because the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews was to be the principal guest.

Mark had the support on this occasion, his first visit to Blackpool Chapter of Integrity as Grand Superintendent, by a vast array of grand and acting Provincial grand officers. These included the Second Provincial Grand Principal, Michael Threlfall, the Third Provincial Grand Principal David Barr and the past Third Provincial Grand Principal Godfrey Hirst. Also in support were Malcolm Alexander and John Robbie Porter who are both Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals. They were accompanied by no less than six other grand officers and Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah Ian Stirling with six other acting Provincial grand officers.

With such a significant array of Provincial team members, the installation team, led by the evergreen Jon Selcoe, could have been forgiven a wobble or two, however, nary a foot was put wrong nor a word out of place could be detected. The new principals of the chapter included Alan Barnes (first principal), Tony Rigby (second principal) and Colin Rogers (third principal). They were expertly inducted or installed with precision and style. Alan and Tony had held their respective offices before, but for Colin, it was to be his first time as a chapter principal.
Each candidate was introduced by Jon Selcoe and duly obligated before each was placed in their respective chairs with the assistance of the past principals present in closed conclaves. The installing scribes were Gordon Ivett and Bob Bennett and the installing principals were Kevin Croft, Joe Codling and Philip Alderson. Robe addresses were delivered in fine style by Bob Marsden (crimson) Colin Rodgers (purple) and Tony Rigby (blue). Addresses to the principals were delivered by Philip Alderson, addresses to the officers were delivered by Jon Selcoe and the address to the companions was delivered by John Robbie Porter, all to the highest standards.
At the end of the ceremony, Mark Matthews rose and congratulated the three new principals on their installation. He particularly praised Kevin Croft on his work as installing first principal and director of ceremonies Jon Selcoe on his control of the whole ceremony. Mark also praised the three companions who delivered the robe addresses and congratulated everyone else who had been involved in what he assured them had been a fantastic ceremony.
Before he resumed his seat, Mark was presented with cheques and a list of charitable donations which were as follows; West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity £220 plus £72 already sent. Homeward Bound £100, Tenderpaws £100 and the Masonic Club Building Fund £80. For all of which Mark thanked the companions on behalf of the eventual recipients of their generosity.

With the chapter business complete, the companions retired to the festive board where they enjoyed a feast of prawn cocktail, braised beef and cheesecake. In response to the toast to his health, Mark Matthews congratulated the three principals on attaining the three chairs. He also thanked the grand and acting Provincial grand officers for their support. He commented on the excellent ceremony and happy festive board.
He went on to discuss Craft membership and thanked all for their work in bringing in new members. He also discussed Royal Arch membership and again thanked companions on their efforts to swell the ranks of this fine Order. He advised that talks on the Royal Arch were available to be given in lodges and urged lodge secretaries to contact the Provincial office should they require a speaker on this subject.
An invitation was given everyone qualified member to join him at the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on 8 May, adding: “Please support me in my lodge.” He also advised that the focus this year will be on light blue Masons including entered apprentices and fellow crafts. Leading on from this he urged a ‘back to basics approach’ by masters and first principals visiting other lodges and chapters, at the same time re-energising socials and sporting events to show that we were enjoying our Freemasonry in all of its events.
Mark also reminded the members of the great work done by the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and to make sure that members and almoners think to approach the charity for help where necessary. He concluded by praising the work of Ian Stirling on membership issues and asked all present to keep enjoying their Freemasonry and to ask others to join the Craft and Royal Arch.
The toast to the three principals was delivered by Kevin Croft in which he gave a comprehensive resume of each of the principal’s achievements so far. This was followed by the principal’s song which was sung by grand officer David Harrison, accompanied on the piano by chapter organist John Wall. Before the festive board was closed, a raffle was held from which the proceeds amounted to £270. The janitor’s toast was proposed by Gordon Ivett.