Lodge of Valour No 4322 is a member of the Leigh Group and it celebrated its annual installation in the presence of principal guest Tony Bent PAProvGM who is still a very active member in the group. Tony was accompanied by Geoff Bent, Len Hart, group vice chairman Dr David Case, supported also by ProvGStwd Shaun Brookhouse.

Alfred Hayes was the current WM of Valour Lodge who unfortunately resigned in the middle of the lodge’s year. After being approached by members of the lodge, David Porter took on the role as installing master. Master elect, Andrew Savage who is a Business Analyst for the NHS and specialises in implementing IT solutions to solve real world operational issues within Healthcare. He became a Freemason via the internet Scheme, he has been a Freemason for 12 years, his father was a Freemason before him so has always been interested to follow in his father’s footsteps.
Andrew was a previous member of the Atherton Chapter No 4488 which has handed in its warrant, he hasn’t yet rejoined an alternative chapter. Andrew is no stranger for taking on the role of WM in Lodge of Valour, this will be his fourth year as WM of the lodge, previously completing two years as elected master and one year covering for a member, who unfortunately through illness following his installation, could not take up the role. He is currently one of the West Lancashire webmasters and an active participant in another Masonic Order.
David Porter, who was asked on this occasion, to be the installing master, had shown great expertise for the task in hand, not forgetting David’s humour that is always prevalent on such special occasions by putting officers at ease. As always at installations the junior members get the opportunity to do a rendition of the working tools of each degree, they certainly did this admirably.

Andrew then presented a number of cheques to Tony, they were; West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity £150, Leigh Group charities £115, Wigan and Leigh Hospice £100, Freemasons Grand Charity £50, Prostrate Cancer Research £50, Leigh Group £65, Leigh Masonic Hall £100, making a grand total of £630, Tony thanked the lodge and expressed to Andrew the thinking in giving to a wide spread of charities. The lodge was eventually closed in peace and harmony, the brethren where then eager to eat and get to the festive board.

Tony gave very warm fraternal greeting and thanked the brethren for the opportunity in representing them once again. He gave particular reference to how successful the Members Pathway had become and how we will be having a better prosperous future with new candidates for the Craft and chapter members, Andrew responded to his toast with an abundance of cheer and laughter, the evening progressed in a very harmonious occasion with old friends and new acquaintances.
The meal was a delicious mushroom soup followed by braised steak and vegetables to finish with the chef’s cheese cake, tea and coffee.