Brethren of Marquis of Lorne Lodge No 1354 have held their annual installation of a new master, John Phillips.

John was a civil servant, working mainly in Manchester from March 1968 to March 2006 when he retired. John was initiated in May 1986, passed in October 1986, raised in April 1987 and installed as master in November 1990. John’s current rank is PPGSwdB.
Throughout those years, John had taken on many roles, always ready to do those ceremonies where the current master at the time found it difficult, as always John just loved his ritual. He was a committed member of Marquis of Lorne Lodge in the Leigh Group, being his only lodge throughout all those years a Freemason. Everybody in the group knew John Phillips. When he walked in, he was this big broad person, who always had that little smile, as always it was just John to everyone when seeing him, always ready to talk to anyone and say hello, he recognised many faces
The lodge was opened in the third degree by the master of the lodge Glynn Jones and then the lodge DC Aden Murphy paraded the distinguished guests into the lodge room. The representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews was David Ogden, who was accompanied by Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Antony Bent, group chairman Jonathan Heaton, Malcom Parr and Dr David Case the group vice chairman.
After all the preliminaries were completed, the lodge was closed by virtue to the second degree and John, the master elect, was presented to Glynn, John then repeated his obligation. Those brethren below master Masons were asked to leave the lodge. Glynn went through the rest of the obligation with John perfectly, then asked Andrew Boardman the ADC if he would assist him with the next part of the ceremony, being the full inner workings of installing John into the chair of King Solomon.

John looked perfectly at home sat in the chair, the lodge was then closed by virtue to the first degree. David Ogden thanked the brethren for an excellent ceremony, with a special commendation to those junior brethren who presented the working tools to the master in the required degrees and conveyed the best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews.
Cheques were presented to David on behalf of the lodge, the charity donations were; Destination to the Florida Children’s Charity, £500, Blessings in Disguise Children’s Need’s Charity, £500, Wigan and Leigh Hospice, £500 and Leigh Masonic Hall building fund, £500. David thanked the brethren of the lodge on behalf of all the recipients for their very generous donations.
After the retirement of the distinguished guests, the lodge was closed in peace and harmony, the brethren where then eager to retire to the social board for a lovely three course meal and wine. After the formal toast, John whole heartedly thanked the brethren for their hard work and support and helping to provide what was a perfect end to the evening with lots of banter and cheer with many brethren meeting new friends and colleagues.
In replying to the toast to his health, David expressed the importance of looking after our halls and membership and wished John lots of happiness in his role of master of the lodge for the 2024 / 2025 season.