Members and visitors of Exemplar Lodge No 5075 were most delighted to welcome their principal guest, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master John Hutton, as the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, to their 2024 installation meeting.

At the installation meeting, the brethren were to witness master elect Peter Stockton being installed as master of the lodge for the ensuing year. John was accompanied by grand officer Tony Edden together with various other group, Provincial grand officers and distinguished guests.
The WM Len Heathcote opened the lodge and efficiently conducted the initial business as per the summons, there then came the expected knock on the door and John was admitted accompanied by various other officers.
Len welcomed John and then, as a number of the lodge officers were unavoidably absent, invited Craig Sutton and guest Peter Burrough to act as installing senior warden and junior warden respectively, and Mike Brindle to act as installing inner guard. Peter was then installed into the chair of King Solomon by Len in an excellent manner.
Various brethren were then reintroduced into the lodge room according to degree and Peter having been installed, there then followed an excellent address to the master, warmly presented by Tony Edden who then followed it up with a similarly excellent address to the wardens. After both of which, the address to the brethren of Exemplar Lodge was then given in fine style by John Hutton.
On completion of the installation ceremony, John rose to bring the sincere greetings, best wishes and congratulations from the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, saying that Mark was aware that Peter was taking the master’s chair and wished him and the members of the lodge a very happy, healthy and enjoyable year ahead and also, on Mark’s behalf congratulated the installing master Len, acting DC Tony Edden and those officers and brethren who had taken part in producing an excellent ceremony.

In response, Peter rose and thanked John for the good wishes he had conveyed and then, with considerable pleasure, presented him with a cheque for £250 made out in favour of the Swinton Masonic Hall Building Fund. John commented on the generosity of lodge and thanked them for their generous donation which would help in the important task of maintaining the Hall.
During the festive board, John gave the response to his toast, offering his own congratulations to the lodge members, saying he thoroughly enjoyed the installation meeting and hoped that the master and brethren would have a happy and fruitful year.
John went on to mention the natural progression of taking our Masonry to the next level by joining the Royal Arch and also the importance of recruitment and holding White Table events to assist in introducing potential candidates.
Finally, after a fine meal and in a relaxed atmosphere, the tyler’s toast was given and the evening drew to a close in peace and harmony.