Commercial Travellers’ Lodge No 2631 brethren held their installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street. The meeting was attended by many brethren with Stephen Walls representing the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. Also, in attendance were; Liverpool Group Vice Chairman Bob Paterson and Sam Robinson.
The WM, Roy Pyne, opened the lodge and welcomed Stephen Walls as the principal guest, together with accompanying grand officers and acting Provincial grand officers into the temple. After the formal salutations, the master elect, Graham Greenall, was presented to Roy Pyne for the benefit of installation.
There followed a ceremony of installation delivered with sentiment and sincerity, the new WM having performed the duties on previous occasions in other lodges. The third degree working tools were delivered by Jonathon Keane a master Mason, the second degree working tools were delivered by Liam Dean and the first degree working tools were delivered by another master Mason, Mal McFarlane, all received acclaim for their work. Roy Pyne delivered the address to the WM, Pat Keane delivered the address the wardens, and Stephen Walls delivered the address to the brethren of the lodge.
Upon completion of the installation ceremony Stephen Walls rose to bring the congratulations of Mark Matthews to the installed Master and spoke of the excellent quality of the ritual and congratulated the installing master, He thanked all the brethren who took part for what he described as a truly outstanding ceremony, with special note to the junior brethren who had delivered the working tools.
The WM presented cheques, totalling £400 to the following charities: – Liverpool Masonic Hall, Water Rescue, West Lancs Freemasons Charity, and the Whitechapel Fund. Previous donations had also been received for £750.
Following the ceremony the brethren retired for a magnificent festive board. Stephen responded to the toast No3, and thanked the installing master and congratulated the new master. He congratulated Chris Bruffell on his first appointment to Provincial Grand Steward He thanked the Acting Officers for their support during the evening, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary. He encouraged as many as possible to attend Provincial Grand Lodge on 8 May 2024, even if only for the ceremony. Stephen thanked the Group Vice Chairman for his work and was pleased to note that the Liverpool Group had completed, the purchase of a blood bike, for the Liverpool area.
The WM responded to toast to his health, assuring everybody that he will do his best to continue the excellent standard of ritual performed by the lodge, and thanked everybody for their continued support and advice. He presented light refreshment to Stephen, who thanked the brethren for their most generous hospitality.