Brian and Julie Honey, along with Andrew and Bernadette Nash, members of the St Helens Masonic Club, wrote a letter to Father Christmas asking if he could stop at the St Helens Freemasons Hall to deliver presents to the children and grandchildren of their members who were attending a party that would be free to all on Sunday morning.

Father Christmas replied, stating that although it was a very busy time for him, he would make every effort to attend. In the meantime, he would send one of his best elves, Phillip Ryan, to help with the festivities.
To kick off the party, Julie and Bernadette decided to reach out to their friend Jane, who was the perfect choice to get the kids into a festive mood with games, dancing and plenty of singing. Jane did a fantastic job of getting everyone into the Christmas spirit.
What good is a party without pop and cakes? Brian and Andy approached the hall caterer, Tony Ackroyd, to see if he could help. Being the generous person he is, Tony didn’t hesitate and said: “How does pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, cupcakes, and plenty of pop sound?” The best part was that Tony offered this all at no charge, saying it was his Christmas gift to all the children, hoping they would have a fantastic day, one they would remember for a long time.

The children had a fantastic time and were exhausted from all the dancing, games, singing and the delicious food provided by Tony and Jane. Not to forget, Philip and Pitbull the elves who added to the fun. Just when we thought the festivities were over, to everyone’s delight, Father Christmas arrived.
Santa entered the hall to cheers and screams from the excited children. He took his seat and spent time talking with each child, giving out presents. The delight on their faces made all the hard work worthwhile. It truly was a party to remember!
Brian, Andy, and of course, Julie and Bernie, without whom this party would never have happened, would like to say the following: “As a club, we hope all the children and parents enjoyed the afternoon. With your continued support for future club events in the coming year, we can expand on this children’s party, making it bigger and better next year. We look forward to seeing you all next year, and we wish you a wonderful Christmas.”
With love from the team.