For the third time in a Masonic career spanning over 40 years, Carl McWhan has been installed into the chair of King Solomon in Barrow Lodge No 3928. In a delightful ceremony attended by 66 brethren, including 10 visiting masters, three grand officers and 5 acting Provincial grand officers, the afternoon and evening passed in a convivial atmosphere of both labour and refreshment.

Grand officers in attendance were; Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Dave Grainger, Rowley Saunders and John Quiggin, the Barrow Lodge Treasurer. Acting Provincial grand officers were; Steve Murray, Steve Ellershaw, the well-travelled father and son team Syd and Stuart Bateson from the Lancaster and District Group and Andy Baxter.
Installing master Mike Cosgrove attended to his duties with vigour, sincerity and an occasional touch of humour, the culmination of a year of excellent work, representing the lodge as a frequent visitor in the Furness and South Lakeland Group.
Daniel Crossley, the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, was admitted to the lodge with his distinguished escort of grand and acting Provincial grand officers, and was welcomed warmly by Mike. After the greetings to the grand and Provincial grand officers, the master Mason’s lodge was adjourned and work continued in the second degree. Carl was presented to the WM by director of ceremonies David Ingham and Carl renewed his first obligation.
The FC’s lodge was then adjourned, the lodge reopened in the third degree and brethren below the rank of installed master retired for a short time. A board of installed masters was then opened. Carl was placed in the chair in an exemplary fashion by Mike, with care and respect, and Carl wasted no time in investing Mike as his immediate past master. Before the board of installed masters was closed, Tony Cassells, the secretary of Barrow Lodge, presented and explained the working tools of an installed master with his customary style.

As the lodge was closed down in the three degrees, the working tools of each degree were presented and explained by Mike Cosgrove, Paul Walker and Derek Worrall respectively, each with their own style, and all in a most excellent manner.
The addresses were given by John Quiggin to the wardens, by Tony Cassells to the WM and by Daniel Crossley to the brethren of the lodge. Other addresses were given by group charity steward Paul Ackred, to the new charity steward, immediate past master Mike Cosgrove, and by Dave Ingham to Liam Carson, the incoming junior deacon.
At the conclusion of the installation ceremony, as Carl was about to revert to the summons, Daniel Crossley rose and brought the greetings of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews, offering congratulations to the WM, IPM and director of ceremonies for their work during the year and in the ceremony. Daniel was handed a note detailing some £1,140 of charitable giving through Mike’s year in office, well done Barrow Lodge!

The greetings from United Grand Lodge were given by Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Dave Grainger, who echoed Daniel’s congratulations, and pointed out to the assembly that director of ceremonies David Ingham had worked without an assistant all afternoon.
At the festive board, many of the more junior brethren were astounded to hear that Carl has been a Freemason for 45 years, having been initiated in 1979 and installed as master of the lodge in both 1989 and 1998. John Quiggin gave a superb a cappella rendition of the Master’s Song and the raffle made £460, augmented by a further £20 from the master’s swindle.