Ormskirk Masonic Hall hosted the initiation of Karl Hughes into Aughton Lodge No 7996. The lodge was opened in the first degree at 6:05pm by the WM John Doyle, who confirmed and signed the minutes of the previous meeting.

The lodge was honoured by the presence of Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Thomas. John warmly welcomed David and expressed his hope that he would have an enjoyable evening. As is customary, John offered David the lodge gavel; however, David graciously declined, stating that he had come to enjoy what he knew would be a fantastic ceremony of initiation.
A ballot was held for the candidate, which resulted in a favourable outcome. Following this, treasurer Jim Carrie and assistant secretary Stewart Cranage requested permission to step out of the lodge briefly to attend to the candidate, Karl Hughes.
WM John Doyle asked Malcolm Sandywell if he would assist the lodge by occupying the chair of King Solomon for the next part of the ceremony. Malcolm was delighted and honoured to accept John’s offer. At that moment, there was an alarm and acting inner guard Mike Trigg announced the return of both the secretary and treasurer. They informed the WM that Karl had paid his dues and signed the book of declaration, allowing the ceremony to commence.
There was a report and Karl Hughes entered the lodge and was placed into the very capable hands of acting junior deacon Ian Tupling who guided Karl throughout the ceremony with skill and confidence ensuring Karl felt relaxed and enjoyed the whole experience.
Karl was presented to WM Malcolm, who conducted the initiation ceremony in what can only be described as a masterclass. From start to finish, Malcolm was word-perfect and executed the ceremony with great skill and confidence. The working tools of an entered apprentice were presented to Karl with skill and accuracy by junior warden Louis Spencer.

After the completion of the working tools, Karl was allowed to retire to restore himself to his personal comforts and on his return to the lodge the charge after Initiation was presented by Malcolm Sandywell in superb fashion to the acclaim of all present. When Karl takes the opportunity to witness a first degree, he will then appreciate just how well he had been Initiated into Freemasonry.
Malcolm asked WM John if he wished to take his rightful place in the lodge, John on retaking the chair thanked Malcolm for what had been a wonderful ceremony and one he was sure Karl would remember for years to come. John then called upon Ormskirk and Bootle Group Membership Officer John Wootton to presented Karl with his welcome pack and congratulated him on taking his first regular step in Freemasonry.

Upon closing the lodge, the WM warmly invited everyone to join the festive board, where a Chinese buffet would be served. The event was vibrant and enjoyable, particularly with the presence of 18 light blue members who had come to support Karl.