The oldest lodge in the Furness and South Lakeland Group, numerically speaking, is Lodge of Furness No 995, and in its 160-year history it has been proud to have had many distinguished and long-serving Masons take the chair of the lodge.

Mark Hornby has become the latest in that long and illustrious line, having been installed by his predecessor Tom Irving at Kings Road Masonic Hall, Ulverston. The ceremony took place in the presence of Frank Umbers the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Frank was accompanied by four grand officers, among them an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and a Past Assistant Grand Master, as well as eleven acting Provincial grand officers, the Furness and South Lakeland Group executive and 11 masters of other lodges, some 67 brethren in total.
Once the lodge had been opened in the third degree, Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies Ryan Modlin entered and informed the WM Tom Irving, that Frank Umbers the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was outside and demanded admission. Frank entered with his escort and was received and welcomed in due form.
Mark Hornby, senior warden and master elect, was presented to the WM by Rowly Saunders, to receive at his hand the benefit of installation. Tom opened a board of installed masters and carried out his work in a delightful manner, installing his successor with precision, dignity and grace. Mark Hornby was then proclaimed as the master of the Lodge of Furness by director of ceremonies Tony Nevinson, and was saluted by all present. The board of installed masters was closed by the immediate past master.
Next came the working tools of a master Mason which were presented and explained by Jonathan Cody in a most excellent manner. The master Mason’s lodge was closed by virtue by the WM Mark Hornby. The working tools of a fellow craft Freemason were presented and explained by Keith Lancaster with accuracy and in a delightful manner. The fellow craft’s lodge was closed by virtue by the WM Mark Hornby. The working tools of an entered apprentice Freemason were presented and explained by Gary Grieve with great style and dignity.

The warrant and centenary warrant of the lodge were presented to the WM by immediate past and installing master Tom Irving, who also presented the Book of Constitutions and Bye Laws of the Lodge. Russ Greenhow invested Mark with the Hall Stone Jewel and explained its significance with great dignity. (Junior brethren are here respectfully directed to carry out some research into the history and purpose of the Hall Stone Jewel, especially its deep significance to the Lodge of Furness).
Officers of the lodge were then appointed and invested. The address to the senior warden Gary Grieve, with his pillar and column, was given by Ronnie Jackson, Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. The director of ceremonies Tony Nevinson and his assistant Chris Angell were addressed by Barry Fitzgerald, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, in a most delightful and light hearted manner. Immediate past master Tom Irving wasted no time in being collared as almoner of the lodge.
The senior and junior deacons, Jonathan Cody and Andy Chambers, were addressed by Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon Tony Jackson. Richard Wilcock, Past Provincial Senior Gand Warden, being the sole steward in attendance, was addressed by Provincial Steward Andy Baxter. Tony Nevinson placed Chris Angell in the north west corner of the lodge, from where he addressed the newly installed master Mark Hornby in a most excellent manner. Richard Wilcock was then again in action, addressing the senior and junior wardens. Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers rose and addressed the brethren of the Lodge of Furness in a dignified and captivating manner.

As DC, Tony Nevinson directed Mark to revert to the circular. Frank Umbers again rose, to bring the greetings of Mark Matthews, Provincial Grand Master, congratulating all who had taken part in the ceremony, especially the WM, IPM and DC. Mark Hornby then presented Frank Umbers with a cheque for £995 for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, as well as a further cheque for £20 for St Mary’s Hospice in lieu of sending Christmas cards this year.
At the first rising, Barry Fitzgerald, brought the greetings of the grand officers. At the second rising, Dave Grainger, PAProvGM brought the greetings of the Provincial grand officers, and in a light hearted moment, christened the lodge DC team of Tony Nevinson and Dave Helm the ‘Chuckle Brothers’ to much hilarity from the brethren.