Liverpool Masonic Hall in Hope Street was the venue for the installation of Adam Eeles of Old Masonians West Lancashire Lodge No 7702. Assistant Provincial Grand Master John James was the representative of the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. John was accompanied by Dave Johnson the Liverpool Group Chairman and Rob Fitzimmons, both grand officers.

Lodge director of ceremonies announced the WM, Andrew Maxwell, who was ceremonially admitted into the lodge with his officers, the DC Andrew Ridal doing a grand job of dealing with his uncooperative wand. The lodge having opened to the third degree, John James as the principal guest, together with accompanying grand officers were admitted. John was offered the gavel of the lodge by the WM, which he respectively returned to the WM and salutations were given.
The lodge was adjourned to the second degree and the WM was assisted by Samuel Jackson taking the position of the senior warden, John Mace taking the position of junior warden and Dave Berry (a guest of the lodge) took the position of inner guard. Before continuing the ceremony of installation, the WM asked for the master elect Adam Eeles to be presented before him. The master elect was presented by Dave Berry.
There then followed a sincere ceremony of installation, with Andrew the installing master leading the way. The third degree working tools were explained to Adam by Andrew Smith a master Mason of the lodge. The second degree working tools were explained by Louis Clegg, a fellow craft and the first degree working tools being presented by Darren Persand, an entered apprentice. All those that presented claiming praise from the principal guest and the brethren.
Dave Johnson then gave the address to the newly installed WM, with Samuel Jackson explaining the tools of the senior warden and John Mace explaining the tools of the junior warden. Rob Fitzimmons then gave the address to both wardens. Dave Johnson give the address to the deacons, Dave Berry give the address to the inner guard and Ray Parr give the address to the stewards. Upon completion of the installation ceremony, John James rose to bring the congratulations of Mark Matthews to the newly installed WM and spoke of a most enjoyable ritual. John thanked all the brethren who took part, with special note to those brethren who had given the explanation of the working tools in each degree.
The newly installed master then presented cheques to John totalling £500, to the following charities: £100 to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, £100 to the RNLI, £100 Trussell Trust, £100 Tithebarn House, £100 to 42nd Skelmersdale Scouts. John thanked the brethren of the lodge for their generous donations.

Three Grand Lodge Certificates were presented by John who informed the brethren that a full explanation was to be given on the lodges next meeting, but until that time to keep the certificates safe.

Following the ceremony, the brethren retired for a magnificent festive board. John responded to his toast, thanking the group chairman Dave, and Rob as grand officers for their hard work. He once again congratulated Adam on becoming the WM of the lodge and Andrew the way he had installed Adam. John was pleased to see that the lodge had such young and happy men, and hoped that when they were ready, they would take the next step to Royal Arch chapter.
John explained to the brethren the messages from Provincial Grand Lodge, including an overview of the charitable donations from the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, and how they had been distributed, this included approximately £120,000 to Freemasons, £170,000 to widows and £165,000 to non-Masonic charities. John also took the opportunity of reminding brethren of the social dates for the group, which included the Burns Night, on 18 January 2025, and the Master and First Principles on 29 January 2025.
The newly installed WM responded to the toast to his health and thanked the installing and immediate past master for his work during the past year, saying that the occasion was very special for him and his guests. He thanked his guests who had been active in his life from an early stage, by the association of Beavers and Scouts, and for their help in assisting his mother. He was honoured, to be their friends and thanked them for their trust in him. The WM was looking forward to an active year.
At the end of the festive board, the lodge presented flowers to John and Dave, for their good ladies, the proceedings were then brought to an ending with the tyler giving the tyler’s toast.