In the presence of David Barr, the Third Provincial Grand Principal, Abbey Chapter No 1225 has installed its newest three principals. Stephen Renney, Gary Gibson and Paul Musgrave, all attained their respective chairs for the first time.

Stephen was installed by his predecessor, immediate past first principal Peter While, in a warm and sincere manner in the company of some 50 Royal Arch Masons. When Peter offered the sceptre to David, he remarked on his pleasure at being back at the ‘top of the Province’ and was enthusiastic about the afternoon and evening’s potential. Indeed, such was the standard of ritual during the ceremony, David must have returned home a very happy man.
David was accompanied by two grand officers, in the persons of Rowley Saunders Past Assistant Grand Sojourner and Barry Fitzgerald Past Grand Standard Bearer, as well as seven acting Provincial grand officers; Gary Rogerson, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, Derek English and Philip Newby both Provincial Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies, Anthony Nevinson Provincial Grand Sojourner, Stuart Bateson, Provincial Grand Standard Bearer and Stephen Willingham and Christopher Gray, both Provincial Grand Stewards, the latter is also group vice chairman.
After Tony Cassells had presented the three principals elect, the installation proper continued apace. First principal Stephen received his scarlet robe address from Tony Cassells, Gary Gibson received his robe address from Gordon Evans, a past first principal of the chapter, and Stephen Renney was himself on hand to handle the address to Paul Musgrave as third principal. Peter While was fittingly presented with his jewel as immediate past first principal by Stephen, Peter proposed Stephen into Freemasonry.

After the officers of the chapter were invested, the three principals were addressed by Harry Chatfield, Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. Principal guest David Barr gave the address to the companions of the chapter.
On retaking his seat, David immediately stood again, bringing the greetings of Mark Matthews the Grand Superintendent and congratulated all who had taken part in the ceremony. Stephen Renney then presented David with cheques for the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and Mind in Furness for £250 each. David thanked the companions of the chapter for their generous donations.
Allan Everett, Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah, brought the greetings of all the Provincial grand officers present.