It is always a joyous occasion when a lodge has the pleasure of initiating a new member. On this occasion, the lodge was Lodge of Tranquillity No 3877 which meets inside Woolton Golf Club in the Geoffrey Hirst Masonic suite. WM David Boyes paraded into the temple with his wardens and then welcomed everyone present before opening the lodge.

For the ceremony, secretary Ian McGovern acted as junior deacon and the treasurer Alan Routledge acted as junior warden. The usual opening business was quickly despatched and Ian and Alan retired to attend upon the candidate after his details had been read out.
Omar Al Saman had been introduced to the lodge through the Pathway Scheme and he had been a little apprehensive about whether he would be allowed to join. However, after meeting with Chris Lyon the Mersey Valley Group Membership Officer, his fears were alleviated and he was totally put at ease so he willingly put himself forward. He had been inquisitive for some while as his late grandfather had been a Mason.
Ian and Alan returned to inform the master that Omar had signed the Book of Declaration and paid the necessary fees. Omar was regularly announced and the deacons accompanied him into the lodge where he answered all the usual questions and took his obligation. The first degree working tools were explained by Alan Routledge and Les Cutting provided a strong delivery of the Charge. It had been a very fine ceremony and one that Omar will remember for a long time.
Whilst Omar was restoring himself to his former comforts, the WM thanked all the officers for the way they had conducted the ceremony with special mention to the lodge’s new inner guard, Chris Edwards, who had only been appointed at the previous meeting. Chris had learned his part well and will be an asset to the lodge.
After he had restored himself to his former comforts, Omar re-entered the lodge and Keith Lindsay, on behalf of the group, welcomed him and provided him with reading matter which would help to explain the intricacies of the ceremony. Other regular business of the lodge was conducted and then the lodge was closed so the brethren could continue the festivities in the dining room.

Story and pictures by Colin Roberts.