An esteemed crowd descended on Rose of Lancaster Lodge No 2325 to watch a truly excellent third degree ceremony. The brethren were honoured not only by the presence of David Ogden, Past Provincial Assistant Grand Master, who was accompanied by Richard Jenkinson, Southport Group Secretary. The business of the evening was the raising of lodge organist Simon Harrison to the sublime degree of a master Mason.

Simon successfully answered the questions leading from the second to the third degree before being entrusted by the Michael and retiring from the lodge. The brethren were also pleased to have Alan Taylor from Starkie Lodge No 1070 acting as tyler for the evening, who duly prepared Simon for the ceremony to come.
The lodge was then opened in the third degree, with David Scott occupying the office of junior deacon and Richard Binks taking the chair of King Solomon. Richard then raised Simon to the sublime degree of a master Mason, after which he retired to restore himself to personal comforts. Upon his return, he was invested with the distinguishing badge of a master Mason by John Scott, senior warden.
The Traditional History was delivered by Peter Lower, who also explained the tracing board, as well as the signs, token and word of the degree. The working tools were then presented to Simon by John Scott. The WM then congratulated Simon on his raising and confirmed that he would be presented with a ritual book on a future occasion. He then resumed his seat as the lodge organist.
It was noted by those present that Simon demonstrated a sharp and precise understanding of his signs throughout the ceremony. In addition to his Masonic dedication, Simon is a talented musician, playing the organ as well as two other instruments.
A collection for the lodge almoner’s fund raised £67.10. In the risings, it was confirmed that there were no communications from Grand Lodge or Provincial Grand Lodge, other than those already conveyed to the brethren. The secretary reminded the brethren of the Group May Ball at the Bold Hotel in Southport and raised a request for a donation to the Southport Group Golf Tournament. A motion to donate £20 was proposed, seconded and carried. A notice of motion was also given for the lodge to fund the creation of a website. Greetings on behalf of visiting brethren were received from Philip Barr of Bryn Lodge No 6553.

Following the formal proceedings, the brethren gathered at the festive board. After the procession into the dining room, grace was given by the director of ceremonies before a raffle was announced. Michael then proposed a series of wine takings, beginning with the grand officers David Ogden and David Edwards, as well as other distinguished Provincial grand officers. This was followed by wine taking with the wardens and then to the newest master Mason, Simon Harrison.
The chaplain then returned thanks before the WM continued with a number of toasts; honouring the King, Duke of Lancaster, the Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Master and Grand Officers. The senior warden then rose to give a further toast to the Provincial grand officers and Simon Harrison. Simon, in response, gave a rousing speech, expressing his gratitude and enthusiasm for the journey he had undertaken in Freemasonry. He concluded his speech with a heartfelt toast to brotherly love. It was clear to all present that he would be a fine master Mason.
Following the toasts, a raffle was drawn, raising an impressive £125. This, combined with the earlier collection of £67.10, brought the total for the evening to £192.10. The secretary then gave a heartfelt toast to absent and seafaring brethren, followed by the junior warden, who gave the traditional toast to the visitors. Adam Bicknell WM of Starkie Lodge No 1070, responded with thanks on behalf of all guests. The evening was brought to a close with the tyler’s toast, given by Alan Taylor, marking the conclusion of a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable gathering.