It was a night to remember for Richard Wilson and Lee Need of Rufford Lodge No 7217 when they were exalted into St Michael’s Chapter No 5756 before the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews, who was accompanied by Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals John Selley, Frank Umbers, Ormskirk and Bootle Group Chairman Graham Chambers and vice chairman Stephen Dunn, together with acting Provincial grand officers Ian Halsall Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Malcolm Sandywell, Stephen Gerrard, Derek Robinson and Jeff Lucas together with other grand officers, Provincial grand officers and guests.

After opening the chapter, the acting first principal Derek Midgley, on behalf of the other principals John Thompson and Fred Dye, warmly welcomed Mark Matthews and offered him the sceptre, which on this occasion he declined, but hoped that the three principals and all present would enjoy the evening. Following completion of ordinary business Richard and Lee were admitted into the chapter and exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by the three principals in a most excellent ceremony. They were assisted by Howard Linaker, Doug Little, Rob Midgley, Stuart Cunningham and Jason Nash together with other officers and members of the chapter.
Following the exaltation ceremony, Stephen Dunn then gave a short address to the two new exaltees and presented them with information on the Royal Arch. Mark then rose to congratulate everyone who took part, on the delivery and quality of the ritual which he said was of the highest standard. He went on to enthusiastically shake the hands of the three principals, the sojourners, scribes and most especially congratulated the two candidates. He also praised the Jason Nash for his excellent contribution.
The meeting then continued with ordinary business and alms were collected raising the sum of £163. Following the first rising, the Grand Superintendent together with other grand and acting Provincial grand officers retired from the chapter to the amusing theme of Z Cars played by organist Doug Little. They were later joined by all the companions at the festive board.
An excellent festive board was then enjoyed by all the companions. In response to the toast to his health, Mark once again remarked upon the quality of the ritual and the indissoluble link and natural progression between Craft and Royal Arch which is increasing in membership, but at 42%, still has a long way to go. To encourage this, joining fees for new exaltees into chapter have now been waived by Grand Chapter and included within the Craft fee. Encouragement of lapsed Masons to rejoin was also mentioned with age being no barrier since one lodge recently had a rejoining member aged 83. He went on to say that Province is also looking towards encouraging greater social activities within and between Craft and Royal Arch. Barbecues, white tables, celebratory events, ladies’ nights and the visiting of other lodges and chapters were mentioned as examples, as well as inviting lecturers into lodges to explain the links with chapter which can be arranged through the Provincial office.

Mark went on to speak about the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity which is underused since monies have been made available for a wide variety of needs, whilst there are very few applications for assistance. Requests need only to be made by telephone to the Huyton office to begin the process with a swift initial assessment of resources and needs. Finally, he congratulated the two exaltees on their continuing progress through Masonry and wished them both a happy future in Craft and chapter.
Following Mark’s response, a raffle was then carried out and raised the magnificent sum of £210 for Masonic and non-Masonic charities.
Companions Richard and Lee, in response to the toast to their health, replied that they were grateful for the support and encouragement given to them prior to and during the evening by their fellow brethren of Rufford Lodge and also gave thanks to the companions of St Michael’s Chapter for their efforts preparing for such a fine ceremony and the attendance of so many guests and dignitaries.
With the evening drawing to a close, flowers were presented to Mark and a gift to Ian Halsall. The janitor’s toast was then given by David Rawcliffe, following which all departed in harmony and peace after a very happy and enjoyable evening at St Michael’s Chapter.