“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade,” to quote Charles Dickens, from the book Great Expectations, and great expectations there were from the companions who attended the installation convocation of Fylde Chapter No 2758.

The installation convocation attracted 20 members and 29 guests, which included six grand officers. The business of the day included ballots for two joining members and a candidate for exaltation, all of which proved in favour. Once the chapter business had been concluded, and on a report, Ian Halsall, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, announced that Michael Threlfall, Second Provincial Grand Principal, demanded admission.

Michael entered the chapter room accompanied by grand officers; North Fylde Group Chairman John Cross, Keith Jackson, Harry Cox, John Lee, Duncan Smith, and David Edwards, dutifully accompanied by eight acting Provincial grand officers: Alan Howarth, Jeff Lucas, Ian Halsall, Mick Southern, Alan Barnes, Derek Robinson, and Malcolm Sandywell.

The three principals were installed into their respective chairs according to Fylde Chapter’s customs and traditions. Geoff Diggles as first principal, Adrian Wells as second principal and Barry Thompson as third principal. The robe addresses were given by Ian Chetwynd to the first principal, Adam Turner to the second principal and by Alan Fairhurst to the third principal. The prayers were also read by Alan Fairhurst and the scripture readings were read by Creag Williams, Ade May and Glen Jackson, all with impeccable clarity and precision.
On completion of the installation ceremony, Michael Threlfall took the opportunity to bring the greetings of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews, congratulating all those who had participated in the ceremony. Geoff Diggles then presented Michael with a list of donations totalling £1,179.60p to various charities, which included the Lymphedema treatment Clinic at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Blackpool Home Start, Great Arley Special School, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Fleetwood Food Bank, West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, Fylde Masonic Bowling and Blue Skies at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. Michael thanked all those who had donated towards those deserving causes on behalf of the recipients.
Under ‘any other business’, there were proposals for two more joining members and at the closing of the chapter, Adam Turner of Saturnian Chapter No. 7563 proceeded to deliver a rarely heard rendition of the valedictory or closing address in an impeccable manner to great acclaim. A fine conclusion to a wonderful convocation.
The companions were treated to a fine dining experience at the festive board, and the raffle raised a further £340 for Masonic and non-Masonic charities. Barry Thompson, taking a short break from the role of third principal, sang the Principals Song accompanied by Keith Jackson on the piano. After an entertaining collection of speeches and toasts, the festivities ended and everyone made their way home, well fed and well entertained.