The 53rd Masters and First Principals Festival in the Wigan and District Group was held with all the attendees wondering where the two years had gone since the last one. The evening started off with an informal reception for the masters and first principals with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Frank Umbers, which was held in the small practice temple at Bryn. This gave all the brethren and companions the chance to have an informal chat with Frank whilst enjoying a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit.

At the conclusion of the reception, everybody made their way into the main temple for the Q&A session, with the distinguished panel consisting of John Selley, Malcolm Bell, Frank Umbers, Mick Southern, Mike Silver and Anthony Humphrey.
A lively Q&A session ensued with questions on the concerns surrounding paying the RA fee upfront with lodge fees, secretaries having to run lodges more like businesses, a request for more details on the honours system, how the data gathered by visiting officers will be collated and communicated and a long running one regarding the reasoning behind the official first toast being changed away from “The King, Duke of Lancaster”. The answers were expertly fielded by the panel, with the time flying until it was time to return downstairs for the festive board.
Following a sumptuous feast, courtesy of Phil and Christine, several wine takings and the raffle, it was time for the toasts. The toast to Frank was proposed by Ian Parker of Heber Lodge No 4388, with a theme of “Time Flying”; indeed, Ian married his wife in the same month that Frank joined Freemasonry in 1989, and they both agreed that it seemed like yesterday. Ian included brief histories of Frank’s work and Masonic Career, which were both very impressive.
In his response, Frank said how delighted he was to be back at Bryn, how much he had enjoyed responding to the questions in the temple and that he hoped that the answers were satisfactory to all present.

He wen on to thank the Wigan Group Secretary Pete Newell, and also the Provincial team in attendance namely the Senior and Junior Provincial Grand Wardens, the Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary and the two Provincial Deputy Grand Directors Ceremonies, before congratulating all those in the Wigan Group that had received first appointments and promotions.
The unique membership organisation to which all belong was a key theme, especially as it has been in existence for more than 300 years. The 5-to-7-year plan from 2022 was formulated to encourage membership, with the three pillars of; Membership, Coherent Organisation and Community Engagement, being encouraged at every opportunity. Most Masons will have been undertaking these for a long time as they are the cornerstone of Masonry. The overall aim is to reverse the 32% decline in membership over the last 10 years, with a positive result in 2024 of more gains than losses. In closing, Frank said that as a group, Wigan should be very proud as it is well managed and forward thinking.
The toast to the Wigan Group was proposed by Michael Silver, the Provincial Junior Grand Warden, who has had a long association with the group as his father was in the Lodge of Faith No 484 some 35 years ago, which forms some of his first Masonic memories. He complemented the passion and dedication of Wigan’s representing officers in the persons of Malcolm Bell and John Selley, and also remarked that group chairman Ian Green, will lead with distinction apply assisted by vice chairman Mike Purcell and group secretary Peter Newell.
Lodges in Wigan have long associations with prominent citizens of the Borough after which they are named, which shows a historical level of community engagement, and also specialist lodges like Arrowhead Lodge of Freedom No 8500, which is a scouting/uniformed lodge. Interestingly enough, the lodge which was at the centre of the rebellion and formation of the Grand Lodge of Wigan, Sincerity Lodge no 3677, is now the Provincial DC’s lodge.
Michael thanked all the group officers for their work in their various offices; membership, mentoring, almoner, charity and publicity, in addition to crediting the amount of charity support offered by the group to Wigan and Leigh Hospice and many others.

In closing, Michael thanked the Hall Committees for the efforts in keeping the three halls open and also Phil and Christine Hughes for the splendid meal provided on the night. Before finishing he said that the collective efforts in Wigan will ensure that the proud heritage will continue and flourish.
Wigan Group Chairman Ian Green, responded by thanking Michael for the toast, and commented that he is still ‘a rabbit in the headlights’ having only recently received the call from Mark Matthews inviting him to become the group chairman, which he accepted with trepidation, however he was humbled and honoured for the consideration. He gave the toast to then ProvGM Tony Harrison in 2017, became group charity steward in 2018 and was privileged to have worked with both Geoff Porter and John Selley. He acknowledged that he will only be custodian of the group for a period of time but will focus on maintaining the outstanding tag which Wigan has gained, however he can only do it with the support of the group officers and membership, whom he thanked for all their support.
He also thanked the outgoing officers, secretary John Mason, charity steward Mike Turrisi and almoner Alan Johnston, whilst welcoming their successors. The charitable giving should be celebrated, with donations as follows: £2,500 raised from the sponsored walk on the group holiday to Wigan and Leigh District Society for the Blind, £1,500 to Wigan and Leigh Hospice, £1,500 to Derian House, £1,000 each to the three Masonic halls, making a total of £8,500.
He finally thanked the Provincial Grand DCs for their help on the night and Frank Umbers, hoping that the Q&A session demonstrated the passion, commitment and dedication of the Wigan Group. The last thanks went to Michael Silver for proposing the toast.
Various presentations of gifts were made, with Frank Umbers receiving flowers for his good lady and a book of ‘Wiganese’ for his next visit! The raffle raised £429.05 which will be split between the three halls. A splendid, informative night was had by all present.