On a glorious Friday evening, the brethren and guests of Dominion Lodge No 4289 ventured out for the warmth of Prescot Masonic Hall where inside David Forber and Richard Walker sat eagerly but nervously anticipating what further mysteries lay in store for them during this grand occasion.

The brethren swiftly assembled in the lodge room and the evening’s proceedings were opened in the first degree promptly at 18:30hrs by the acting WM Scott McMillan who was assisted in doing so in the usual fashion by his junior and senior wardens for the evening, Steven Flood and Jon Critchley.
The secretary circulated the minutes of the last regular lodge meeting to all lodge members present which were duly approved by the brethren of Dominion Lodge. The officers who were unable to be invested with their ranks at previous meetings, Martyn Mitchell and Aaron Jackson were invested as stewards of this worthy lodge. Any late members to the lodge were admitted following afterwards by the visiting brethren on the night.

The entered apprentices were asked to leave the temple chamber for a short time except for David and Richard. The moment had come at last for the soon to be fellow crafts, who performed valiantly in their task before they left the lodge room for a moment to be prepared for what wonderful mysteries lay in store for them only a few short seconds later during the second degree ceremony.
The lodge was then opened in the second degree by WM Scott McMillan before both David Forber and Richard Walker re-entered the chamber prepared as they should be standing upright and proud like so many men before them have done, it was truly an inspiring sight. The acting senior deacon Tyler Broadhurst and junior deacon Arron Banks escorted David and Richard round in a way that was a joy to behold with not a foot wrong, nor a word missed this was amazing to witness! David took to the floor with the precision and expert timing and the bearing of an ex-military officer, Richard too effortlessly glided across the lodge never once faltering in his gaze of confidant assurance that only a world class showman could convey.
David and Richard gave their solemn obligations without a dropped syllable, this was a marvellous start to their fellow craft journeys. The WM delivered a word-perfect explanation of the working tools for this degree which was marvellous but that said, he performed the entire ceremony with ease without doubt a commanding figure that the other brethren look up to and admire!
The newly made fellow crafts now sitting in their places with broad smiles on their faces and proudly supporting their new distinguished badges of rank after completing the ceremony of the second degree, having been congratulated first by the evening’s WM and being re-admitted into the lodge with the entered apprentices. The lodge having now closed in the second degree and resumed labour in the first.

The charity steward who took to the floor and with his usual booming voice echoing off the walls of the temple, proceeded to give his report on the lodge’s charitable business, the charities were then honoured by all present. This was followed by Dominion Lodge’s secretary who gave what communications there were to be had from Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge respectively, as well as any general communications. Apologies from absent members were then given. Congratulations were extended to Martyn Mitchell and his wife who are excitedly awaiting the arrival of their first baby later this year!
Then a joining member, Robin Ward was proposed and seconded, then finally on to any other business before the lodge was closed at 20:00hrs peacefully and harmoniously by the acting WM and his wardens for the night.
The festive board was as usual the jolly event that Dominion Lodge brethren are known for, with the usual toasts, laughs, noise, great food and brilliant camaraderie that can shake off the lowest mood of any brother who attends it.