Upon arriving at Pemberton Masonic Hall, everyone was greeted by Norris McWhirter from the Guinness Book of Records. The accuracy of this information cannot be confirmed, but Assistant Provincial Grand Master Malcolm Bell assured everyone that Norris had come. And who would doubt the word of such a distinguished brother?

The reason given for the visit by Norris was to verify that Norley and Langtree Lodge of Antiquity No 178 indeed held the record for the longest name in West Lancashire. Additionally, Malcolm mentioned that it was the oldest lodge in Wigan by three months.
The lodge was officially opened by installing Master Stewart Cranage. After completing the necessary lodge business, he promptly advanced to the third degree to welcome the principal guest, Malcolm Bell, who was accompanied by Wigan Group Chairman John Selley, Ian Green the vice chairman along with other Grand and acting Provincial grand officers.
The installation ceremony commenced with lodge DC Colin Sharples presenting the master elect Michael (Mick) Hargreaves to Stewart. As Mick knelt before Stewart, he was asked to repeat his obligation. Mick responded: “I’ve learned it; do you want me to recite it?” He then recited his obligation in an exemplary manner, which set a positive tone for the entire ceremony. Stewart confidently and expertly installed Mick into the chair of King Solomon, as one would expect from the Provincial Grand Mentor.

The address to the WM was delivered by Jeremy Smith with clarity and precision as were the first and third degree working tools presented by Rick Wooley with Keith Ashcroft presenting the second degree working tools.

After Mick Hargreaves was installed, it was time for Malcolm Bell, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, to stand and deliver greetings on behalf of Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews. Malcolm noted that if Mark had been present, he would have congratulated everyone who participated in what had been an outstanding installation ceremony. Malcolm gave special recognition to Stewart for the way he had conducted the ceremony and acknowledged the hard work of his diligent director of ceremonies, Colin Sharples.
Before taking his seat, Mick presented Malcolm with several charitable cheques on behalf of the lodge to the following charities; West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity £200, Prostrate Cancer £200 and Pemberton Masonic Hall £200. Malcolm thanked Mick and the brethren of the lodge on behalf of the recipients for their very generous donations. Upon closing the lodge, Mick cordially invited everyone to join him at the festive board.
The festive board was a lively event filled with laughter and conversation. The delicious food, wine and a drop of port to toast the WM, contributed to the occasion being a resounding success. A raffle was organised to raise money for both Masonic and non-Masonic charities and along with the alms plate raised £228, it was mentioned that £200 had been received earlier in the Masonic year from a sponsored walk. Everyone was encouraged to give generously, which they certainly did. Congratulations Mick, and under your direction, the brethren are sure that the lodge will go from strength to strength.