It was a busy evening at St Michael’s Chapter No 5756 meeting at Ormskirk Masonic Hall. Initially with 19 members in attendance due to eight apologies, but later numbers swelled to an impressive 29 at the festive board.

With the ordinary business of the chapter being completed following confirmations by the accepting officers for the following year, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Gary Smith sought permission from the first principal Jason Nash to leave the convocation. Gary returned to report that the Provincial representative, Second Provincial Grand Principal Michael Threlfall demands entry. Michael was accompanied by Philip Gunning, Malcolm Alexander, Stephen Dunn the Vice Chairman of the Ormskirk and Bootle Group and acting Provincial officers Alan Burgess and Derek Midgley.
Following his warm welcome from the first principal and the offer of his sceptre, Michael replied with greetings from himself and the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews to the chapter wishing them health, happiness and enjoyment at all of their future convocations. He then returned the sceptre to the first principal who proceeded with the installation.
The third principal John Thompson, to be advanced to second principal, was substituted by Derek Midgely. The retiring second principal Ian Brown was substituted by the organist Doug Little and then John Thompson was presented to the new first principal, Andrew Cunningham and invested as second principal.
All Companions below the rank of a first principal then retired whilst the ceremony continued. Upon their return they acknowledged the three principals with a court bow. The robe addresses to the principals were then given, in descending order by Stuart Cunningham, Fred Dye and Derek Midgely, following which all elected and selected officers were invested.
This was followed by the presentation and explanation of the Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to companion Jade Beech by Michael Threlfall who then addressed the companions and congratulated the chapter upon the quality of its ceremony. Prior to Michael sitting down, three cheques were presented to the total value of £700 as follows; for WLFC £200, Derian House £300 and Ormskirk Masonic Hall £200. Michael thanked the first principal for the unexpected and very generous gift from such a small chapter
Alms were then collected followed by the recession of the Provincial team allowing the chapter to continue with its own official communications and business. Once complete, the chapter was closed and all retired to the festive board
At the festive board in reply to his toast, Michael thanked the chapter companions again for their donations of £700, Also £145 was raised from the raffle and the £96.80 from the alms collection, all of which he acknowledged would be going to good causes. He went on to inform the membership that the Archway Initiative is now live and that it emphasised the shaping for the future growth of chapters, involvement of new members and their enjoyment in the Order. All details he said were available on the Provincial website.
Finally, Michael restated that the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity fund for Freemasons was still well funded and awaited contacts with Masons or their families experiencing financial, social or personal difficulties. The evening ended at 9:30pm when all departed in harmony and peace.