What on earth is this story about it may be said? Lodge of Israel No 1502 based in Liverpool, was about to hand in its warrant, when Cavia Porcellus Lodge was being formed. The secretary of the Province suggested that instead of forming a new lodge, they might like to take the number of the Lodge of Israel, and so it came to pass. The Lodge of Israel is a very old lodge boasting a number of 1502.
The name cavia porcellus comes from the Latin for guinea pig, it being formed from a wine club of the same name, the members thought it infra dig to call it the guinea pig lodge and so settled for the Latin translation. They only intend meeting twice a year in Southport and Robin Andrews-Morris, the first WM of Cavia Porcellus Lodge, says that the membership is to be limited to 18 brethren, with quite a long waiting list for membership it is primarily a fine wining and dining lodge as they are all fine wine lovers.
The lodge was opened as is normal with the officers taking their places, predominately grand officers. When an ancient charge had been read the principal guests were admitted and what a galaxy it was. Mark Matthews Provincial Grand Master accompanied by his deputy Phil Gunning also accompanied by his deputy designate Frank Umbers.
When they had all settled into their seats, the WM asked Mike Braham to present a short history of the Lodge of Israel. Well 150 years cannot be condensed into a few words which Mike had obviously put a lot of work into his presentation which showed in the high quality of it. He pointed out that 150 years celebration of the lodge’s consecration was a little premature having been consecrated in October 1894 so making it 149 and a half years old. He said he visited Lodge of Israel on several occasions in the 1980s and1990s and what a fine lodge it was.
Mike began with a short history of Freemasonry leading up to the consecration of Lodge of Israel and it was very interesting. Hope Street was opened in 1874 at a cost of about £4,000, and so it was only some 20 years later that Lodge of Israel was consecrated. It was formed because of dietary constraints, whereas brethren form gentile lodges and Jewish brethren could drink and smoke together, the Jewish brethren could not eat what the gentile brethren put before them and so Lodge of Israel was formed. They sat down to a meal that would have over faced most of us.
In the year 1904 the lodge had nearly 100 members, but war was on the horizon shortly afterwards. The lodge muddled through the war and after continued to thrive and it was common practice for two degrees to be worked in one evening.
The 1930s saw the first shadows of events in Germany, with the arrival of joining members fleeing from oppression. During the war, lodges were held in June, July and August to avoid the blackout replacing December January and February and the lodge dispersed by 7:30pm.
Unfortunately, over the last 20 or so years the lodge has not prospered and so in November it will transfer its lodge name from Lodge of Israel to Cavia Porcellus Lodge.
The lodge was closed in due form and the brethren retired to the festive board. After a splendid meal with copious amounts of wine, brethren were treated to the speeches by Mark and his deputy Phil, both spoke eloquently and with humour.
Nothing now remained but for the tyler’s toast and to descend to the bar feeling that everyone had experienced something special.