Chapter of Perseverance No 155 welcomed companions and visitors to the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool for their installation meeting. The three principals on this occasion, Dr Peter Green first principal, Lesley Williams second principal and David Atkinson who was standing-in as third, opened the chapter in fine form.
With the first order of business being the ballot for a joining member, which proved satisfactorily unanimous, first principal Peter welcomed Geoff Catterall to the chapter who was then conducted to his seat by the director of ceremonies, Gwilym Jones.
Gwilym then requested would the principals and companions stand, and stated that principal guest, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, John Robbie Porter stood without. First principal Peter declared that the chapter would be delighted to receive him. Robbie, accompanied by Gladstone Group Vice Chairman Matt Casson was conducted into the chapter by Gwilym. Peter formally welcomed Robbie to the chapter and expressed a wish that Robbie enjoys his evening in the company of the companions of the chapter.
It was then time for the main business of the evening to be conducted, director of ceremonies Gwilym, then stood and proclaimed Peter as first principal and Lesley as second principal, for the ensuing year. Collecting third principal elect, Chris Farley, he was then presented to Lesley who conducted the ceremony of installation of a third principal.
Chris was faultless in his obligation and listened intently as David Atkinson performed the scripture readings. A conclave of installed third principals having been declared, Chris was installed as third principal in fine form. The installation being duly completed, companions were admitted and the necessary salutations to the three principals duly performed.
Treasurer Ken Alker, then performed a superb scarlet robe address, followed by scribe Nehemiah Peter Roberts who performed the purple robe address and finally with assistant director of ceremonies, Paul Snape who performed the blue robe addresses. It is always a pleasure to see ceremony performed well and the robe addresses were exemplary.
Following the installation of the officers of the chapter, principal guest John Robbie Porter, rose to bring the congratulations of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews and congratulated the three principals, as well as the director and assistant director of ceremonies for an excellent installation ceremony. Taking the time to congratulate the three companions, who had also performed the robe addresses so well.
First principal Peter Green requested John Robbie to please accept cheques on behalf of the charities and explained to the companions present, that the chapter had very generously donated, £200 to Bolton Hospice, a charity very close to Peter Green and one that he supports with regular fund-raising events. £100 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and £50 to Zoe’s Place, a magnificent total and one that Robbie thanked the companions for and was sure would be very gratefully received.
The chapter business being concluded and closed in solemn form, the companions and visitors retired from the chapter room to the festive board. Principal guest, John Robbie brought his own congratulations to the chapter, explaining that he had very much enjoyed his visit to the chapter and that in summing up described the evening as ‘outstanding’.
In congratulating the three principals, particularly newly installed third principal Chris, John Robbie extolled the membership of Royal Arch and mentioned that past principal David Hilliard would celebrate 40 years membership of the Royal Arch this year, continuing to encourage everyone to enjoy their Royal Arch Masonry.
The last words should be left to janitor David Berrington, who was particularly pleased to congratulate the three principals, two of whom are members of St Pauls Lodge No 5459 and with that final toast, another page in the fine history of Chapter of Perseverance was turned.