Hamer Chapter No 1393 was consecrated in 1876 and awarded its centenary charter in 1976, it was originally linked with Hamer Lodge No 1393, until it’s sad closure in 2016. The history of a chapter is also a history of its members and Hamer Chapter is no exception, with a selection of the too many to list distinguished past first principals.
To name a few of the noted first principals, there are; T W Gornall, a respected printer in Liverpool. J H Harradon, after whom the West Lancashire charity was named, now absorbed into the West Lancas Freemasons’ Charity. R N Birley, who later to become the Grand Superintendent of the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland and Rev P G Taylor
The latter three past principals were members of supreme Grand Chapter, with current members following on in the footsteps of their illustrious predecessors, who have also attained the high rank of Supreme Grand Chapter. Scribe Ezra, Syd Ford, Malcolm Warren, Past Group Charity Steward and honorary member, Rev J C Lynn, Past Third Provincial Grand Principal.
The chapter was welcomed to their new home at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool as their new meeting place for the chapter, with the companions and visitors gathered for the installation meeting of the chapter. First principal Malcolm Warren, assisted by stand in second principal Mick Southern and third principal Ray Stones, welcomed all and proceeded to open the chapter in an exemplary manner. Director of ceremonies, Warren Morris, announced that principal guest, Colin Rowling stood without.
Malcolm requested that Colin be admitted and the director of ceremonies conducted Colin who was accompanied by acting Provincial Grand Steward Ian White. Malcolm formally welcomed Colin to the chapter on behalf of the companions and Colin stated that he was delighted to attend the chapter and was looking forward to the ceremony.
Director of ceremonies Warren Morris then presented James Williams to third principal Ray Stones for his installation as a third principal. James was perfect in his obligation. He was then led before the third principal’s chair, where the scripture reading was performed by Ray.
Having been duly obligated as third principal elect, James was seated and first principal, Malcolm requested would Colin Benn, please occupy the third principals chair for the next stage in the ceremony. The director of ceremonies then collected second principal elect Ray Stones and presented him to Mick Southern.
As Ray is already a past principal, it was only necessary for him to re-affirm his obligation, with Mick performing the reading of scripture for a second principal. Mick then installed Ray into the second principal’s chair, investing him with his robe, collar and sceptre.
As Malcolm is remaining in office for another year, then he declared a conclave of installed third principals, with Ray installing James as third principal entrusting him with his robe, collar and sceptre. The conclave being duly closed, all companions were admitted and the installation of officers of the chapter took place.
Following the installation of all the officers, the director of ceremonies delivered the blue robe address to third principal James. At the conclusion of the installation ceremony, Colin rose to give the congratulations of the Grand Superintendent Mark Matthews, as well as his own congratulations to the companions of the chapter.
First principal Malcolm, then rose and thanked Colin for his attendance, before presenting him with a cheque to honour the charities, with a fantastic donation of £200 to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity, Colin thanked all the companions for their generous donation.
The chapter companions are very much looking forward to their coming year, and with three proposals for candidates for this year, it should be a very busy year for the chapter itself. The three principals then rose and requested the companions assist them in the closing of the chapter, with newly invested, Principal sojourner Mick Southern closing the chapter by command of the first principal.
The companions retired to the Crompton Restaurant to continue the evening celebrations at the festive board. At the festive board, Colin Rowling commented that he was delighted to attend Hamer Chapter, he thanked Steward Ian White for attending the chapter and congratulated Scribe Ezea, Syd Ford, upon reaching his landmark achievement of his golden jubilee of Craft Masonry for 60 years continuous service. Colin also mentioned that in a couple of years, it would also mark Syd’s membership in Royal Arch of 50 years, and that the chapter would also reach its own milestone of 150 years in 2026.
Colin expressed a wish that we all enjoy our Royal Arch Masonry, and judging by the laughter and camaraderie around the festive board there was plenty of enjoyment in abundance, and with lots of future celebrations to come, Gladstone Group certainly welcomes Hamer Chapter and looks forward to joining in those events.