The initiation ceremony for Joshua Bottell took place at St. Helens Masonic Hall. The WM, Percy Fenn, opened St Helens Lodge No 4121 promptly at 6:30 pm, confirmed the minutes of the last regular meeting, and invested brethren who were unable to attend the installation ceremony. Sean Atherton was invested as the steward of the lodge.
Acting tyler for the evening, Jon Holden, prepared Joshua for his initiation. Joshua was a little apprehensive but said he was looking forward to the ceremony. The moment arrived, and acting tyler Jon gave the appropriate knocks to announce that Joshua was ready to proceed. After reporting to the WM, inner guard Anthony Lindley admitted Joshua. Junior deacon, John Alexander, took charge and guided Joshua around the temple with confidence and expertise.
Percy Fenn conducted the ceremony in an exemplary manner, which everyone was sure will stay with Joshua for a long time. On conclusion, Joshua was placed before acting junior warden Graham Williams, who, in his usual word-perfect style, presented the charge after initiation and the working tools of an entered apprentice. After the ceremony, everyone retired to the bar to get a drink and celebrate a job well done.
After the ceremony, Joshua was asked why he had chosen to apply to become a Freemason. He said he had always had an interest in Masonry, so he took the plunge and contacted the Provincial Office who then put him in touch with the Mersey Valley Group. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Joshua was given a warm welcome to the Mersey Valley Group and all the brethren hope that Joshua will enjoy his journey in Freemasonry with his newly made brothers in Lodge of St Helens. It will also be a busy coming year for the lodge with second and third degree ceremonies to be completed.